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  • Chopra: Attack prompts tough questions
    (CNN) -- The Indian city of Mumbai exploded into chaos early Thursday morning as gunmen launched a series of attacks across the country's commercial capital, killing scores of people and taking hostages in two luxury hotels frequented by Westerners. ...
  • Comments in response to Xinjiang/Uyghur/Uighur Needle Attacks and Islam/Muslims In China
    I am a Canadian born, Chinese Muslim (Han) and would like to say a few things. Before visiting China I had the same incorrect opinion that most people do, because of the lies in the media. I support China's efforts and response to the violence in Xinjiang because I've seen the truth for myself after visiting China twice, and find the media accounts on this event and most other events and descriptions of everday life to be far from the truth. China does not ...
  • More comments to Uighur's on Xinjiang riots, Rebiya Kadeer and separatism
    akmeme, I mean no offense but I think this is only about separatism and these are lies. No Uighur's have presented any logical arguments to me. Also why do Uighur's support the violence in Xinjiang? Uighur's here tried to convince me I cannot pray at the Mosque in China, when you didn't know I am a Muslim. If Rebiya Kadeer is the leader of Uighur protests she is a terrorist. I have shown through Xin Hua and the comments of the victims family in...
  • My Summary on the Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Violence
    There is no doubt this is based on separatist activity. I have found the claims of the Uighur Protesters contradicted in so many ways. A few interesting facts: 1. Xinjiang has 13 Ethnic Minorities, most of which are Muslims, yet only Uighur's are protesting and they are the majority in Xinjiang http://www.china.org.cn/english/MATERIAL/139389.htm 2. Uighur's are exempt from China's one child policy 3. The two Uighur's killed in the Shaoguan Toy Fac...
  • Response to anti-Islamists and anti-Chinese on the Xinjiang Violence
    Microbear77 says: Islamists will have a hard time making headways in China because China doesn't care what other people think of their measures. They do what they feel is best for their country. If Islamists want to prod China they may realize to their chagrin that it won't turn out their way. ============================= People posting anti-Islamic sentiments could be doing it for not only religious reasons but racism as well. I am saying it in this conte...
  • Response to Uighur Protests in Vancouver regarding Xinjiang and the Uighur Urumqi Protest
    Bet you were only there as a tourist. Offcourse, you only saw what China wants to present Xinkiang to the world. Suggest you talk to local people, and special those living in south part of Xinkiang next time when you are there. Yes, every religion calls for peace and harmony, but what if you can not pratice your relligion freely, and you are discriminated just because you are a muslim. As a chinese muslim, good for you, you are not practicing your religion th...
  • Comments on Vancouver protest of Uighur's on Xinjiang, Urumqi Protests
    I am disappointed by this separatist activity. I am a Chinese Muslim, and I have nothing against Uighur's in general, but having visited China I do not understand their claims and their supposed plight. I support the Chinese government, although I have protested against the ethnic cleansing in Israel, Sri Lanka and other places. I was born here and lead to be believe China is evil, but my views have changed after visiting and seeing that Islam is free and accept...
  • Comments about Uighur Protest in Vancouver over Xinjiang, China
    I do not agree with people complaining that Uighur's are protesting. It is your right to protest if you want, and there were a lot of people bashing Uighur's for this. I do not agree with some of the racists bashing Uighur's, unfortunately in Canada there are lots of racists who do not like new Canadians. But what I do not understand, is that I cannot find any solid information about why some Uighur's are upset with China. I have heard the accusations, but hav...
  • Another comment about Xinjiang and Uighur's
    akmeme said Bet you were only there as a tourist. Offcourse, you only saw what China wants to present Xinkiang to the world. Suggest you talk to local people, and special those living in south part of Xinkiang next time when you are there. Yes, every religion calls for peace and harmony, but what if you can not pratice your relligion freely, and you are discriminated just because you are a muslim. As a chinese muslim, good for you, you are not practicing your reli...
  • More comments about the recent Uighur and Han violence in Xinjiang
    I am very saddened at the violence in Xinjiang, where fellow Chinese (Han and Uighur) have been fighting amongst each other. I hope that the people of Xinjiang will not fall into the trap and violence that was set by separtists. Regardless of your ethnic background, China has the policy that "everyone is Chinese" and that achieving peace and harmony can only be done through equal treatment of all citizens. I also do not think it is fair to villify Uighurs ...
  • Uighur/Uyghur Ethnic Muslims Protest in Urumqi, Xinjiang Comments about China, Islam and establishing the facts
    Ithink it's important to establish the facts here, many of which are in stark contrast to what is being reported in media. I also don't believe Uighurs or Tibetans in general want indepedence or condone any form of violent protests, this is a minority of people being influenced and controlled by outside forces. The Uighurs by the East Turkestan Independence movement (exhiled Uighurs linked to this listed terrorist group). Some of the facts that aren't bein...

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    Insight Into Current Issues

  • Comments in response to Xinjiang/Uyghur/Uighur Needle Attacks and Islam/Muslims In China
    2009-09-12 17:20:28
  • More comments to Uighur's on Xinjiang riots, Rebiya Kadeer and separatism
    2009-07-11 16:15:11
  • My Summary on the Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Violence
    2009-07-10 20:10:47
  • Response to anti-Islamists and anti-Chinese on the Xinjiang Violence
    2009-07-10 04:35:08
  • Response to Uighur Protests in Vancouver regarding Xinjiang and the Uighur Urumqi Protest
    2009-07-10 03:16:54
  • Comments on Vancouver protest of Uighur's on Xinjiang, Urumqi Protests
    2009-07-10 03:15:19
  • Comments about Uighur Protest in Vancouver over Xinjiang, China
    2009-07-10 03:12:45
  • Another comment about Xinjiang and Uighur's
    2009-07-09 20:57:40
  • More comments about the recent Uighur and Han violence in Xinjiang
    2009-07-08 11:12:10
  • Uighur/Uyghur Ethnic Muslims Protest in Urumqi, Xinjiang Comments about China, Islam and establishing the facts
    2009-07-07 02:43:09
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  • Chopra: Attack prompts tough questions
    2008-11-26 22:15:37
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    Qur'an 2:62 Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
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