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  • The Stealth Crusade
    The Stealth Crusade By Barry Yeoman | Wed May 1, 2002 12:00 AM PST At 8 o'clock on a warm Monday morning in January, 20 students file into Rick Love's classroom at Columbia International University in South Carolina. Eyes glassy from writing papers all weekend, they clutch Styrofoam cups of Folgers a...
  • Time Magazine Explains the Israel & Palestine Situation - "The End: How It Got That Way"
    Monday, Jul. 01, 2002 The End: How It Got That Way By DAVID VAN BIEMA Calamity is the mother of end-of-the-world prophecy. This is true as millions of Americans, many rattled into an End Times frame of mind by Sept. 11, line up to buy the latest installment in the Left Behind series, The Remnant. It was true when the first prophecies of the End appeared in the Hebrew Bible in response to a great national catastrophe in 586...
  • Who speaks for Islam? - Gallup Report Disproves Stereotypes Against Muslims & Islam
    Who speaks for Islam? by John L. Esposito and Dalia Mogahed 14 February 2008Washington, DC - Extremists and terrorism have too often monopolised the media's coverage and thus the message coming out of the Muslim world. But what do the vast majority of mainstream Muslims really believe, think, and feel? What are their hopes, fears, and resentments? Why is it that a robust anti-Americanism see...
  • Israel's anti-Arab parties
    Israel's anti-Arab parties By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank ...
  • Guantanamo ordeal of Aljazeera cameraman
    Guantanamo ordeal of Aljazeera cameraman by Asim Khan & Mahfoud El Gartit Wednesday 26 October 2005 9:06 AM GMT Sami al-Hajj says he has suffered physical and sexual abuse Sami Muhy al-Din al-Hajj, a Sudanese national, was arrested by the US military while working for Aljazeera during the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, and detained in Guantanamo for four years without trial. Aljazeera.net spoke to al-Hajj's lawyer, Clive Stafford-Sm...
  • Fighting Terrorism is what the Prophet Muhammad did and is the Duty of All Muslims
    Terrorism was rampant when the first official Muslims appeared when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)began his prophethood and received divine relevation. Even though our Prophet is gone, we still have the most important gift from him, the Holy Qur'an which remains intact and universal to all Muslims since it was revealed. John Esposito sees Muhammad as a reformer who condemned practices of the pagan Arabs such as female infanticide, exploitat...
  • Why do Muslims come to our country?
    Yes, it's 2017 and this is really a serious question for many in the West, especially Europe and the USA. The last time a similar question was raised, we had the holocaust, millions of lives were lost and the displacement caused a ripple effect in the middle east causing millions more to suffer and perish. So things are not looking too bright but this is an opportunity to educate those who were not aware of the reality for many Muslim countries for decades and longer in recent h...
  • The root of modern day trouble in the Muslim World created by Wahhabism/Salafism from Saudi Arabia
    This article is meant to educate and inform the readers about history and facts about Saudi Arabia's history and current events that affect both non-Muslims and Muslims around the world. Saudi Arabia is home to the world's holiest cites in Mecca and Medinah and should above all be held to the highest standard of Islam and for mankind, but has failed completely on all levels to follow the Qur'an and to be a peaceful and positive force in both the non-Muslim and Muslim world that we are e...
  • An End To The Muslim Debate Over Sighting The Moon To Determine When Ramadan Begins & Ends
    Qur'an10:5. It is He Who made the sun to be a shining glory and the moon to be a light (of beauty), and measured out stages for her; that ye might know the number of years and the count (of time). Nowise did Allah create this but in truth and righteousness. (Thus) doth He explain His Signs in detail, for those who understand.In my humble opinion this is ...
  • Allah is GOD in "Aramaic", the language Jesus spoke
    Allah is GOD in "Aramaic", the language Jesus spoke With Ramadan around the corner (generally accepted as tomorrow if the new moon is sighted) I felt like doing some research and it turns out what my friend said is true (god is "Allah" in Armaic") and hopefully the Christians that knock on my door every few months will come back soon (although they promised to visit soon last time we spoke). It is a historical fact that Jesus spoke the "Aramaic" language so n...

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    Insight Into Current Issues

  • Fighting Terrorism is what the Prophet Muhammad did and is the Duty of All Muslims
    2017-10-02 22:27:53
  • Why do Muslims come to our country?
    2017-05-02 00:12:21
  • The root of modern day trouble in the Muslim World created by Wahhabism/Salafism from Saudi Arabia
    2014-07-02 15:07:18
  • An End To The Muslim Debate Over Sighting The Moon To Determine When Ramadan Begins & Ends
    2008-10-16 02:33:58
  • Allah is GOD in "Aramaic", the language Jesus spoke
    2005-10-25 17:00:00
  • More Islam Muslim BLOG

    News Articles

    News Article Comments

  • The Stealth Crusade
    2009-07-17 16:57:56
  • Time Magazine Explains the Israel & Palestine Situation - "The End: How It Got That Way"
    2009-01-08 00:18:22
  • Who speaks for Islam? - Gallup Report Disproves Stereotypes Against Muslims & Islam
    2008-10-11 00:34:16
  • Israel's anti-Arab parties
    2006-03-29 20:27:45
  • Guantanamo ordeal of Aljazeera cameraman
    2005-10-26 10:56:00
  • More Islam Muslim News Articles & Comments

    Facts About Islam

    Islam Says People Of Other Faiths Can Go To Heaven

    Qur'an 2:62 Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
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