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  • Polygamy in Islam is an exception and not the rule based on the Qur'an
    This is such a confusing subject for both Muslims and non-Muslims but the Holy Qur'an makes it clear that Polygamy is permitted as an exception, not a rule under exceptional circumstances and the Qur'an declares it is not allowed except for the Prophet (PBUH) as it was for all prophets to ensure their lineage continued. As we can see below the Qu'an mentions the marriage of up to 4 orphans in the course of justice (in the Qur'an this was written during a time of war when many men were...
  • Response to Uighur Protests in Vancouver regarding Xinjiang and the Uighur Urumqi Protest
    Bet you were only there as a tourist. Offcourse, you only saw what China wants to present Xinkiang to the world. Suggest you talk to local people, and special those living in south part of Xinkiang next time when you are there. Yes, every religion calls for peace and harmony, but what if you can not pratice your relligion freely, and you are discriminated just because you are a muslim. As a chinese muslim, good for you, you are not practicing your religion th...
  • Another comment about Xinjiang and Uighur's
    akmeme said Bet you were only there as a tourist. Offcourse, you only saw what China wants to present Xinkiang to the world. Suggest you talk to local people, and special those living in south part of Xinkiang next time when you are there. Yes, every religion calls for peace and harmony, but what if you can not pratice your relligion freely, and you are discriminated just because you are a muslim. As a chinese muslim, good for you, you are not practicing your reli...
  • CBC Mr. Velk View Point Reaction
    Hello UniteIslam! I accidentally came across your website one day after seeing a very upsetting article on the CBC website. It was by a Mr. Velk. He is one of their regular writers and has written many articles. The most recent one that I read from him, bothered me so much that I had to write in to CBC. He was stating the Canada should adopt American and British policies regarding ‘Terrorists’ and immigration. And we all know who those policies will specifically target, MUSLIMS. Anyways,...

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  • Polygamy in Islam is an exception and not the rule based on the Qur'an
    2015-10-31 00:00:35
  • Response to Uighur Protests in Vancouver regarding Xinjiang and the Uighur Urumqi Protest
    2009-07-10 03:16:54
  • Another comment about Xinjiang and Uighur's
    2009-07-09 20:57:40
  • CBC Mr. Velk View Point Reaction
    2005-10-17 22:00:00
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    Qur'an 2:62 Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
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